Atchison County Fair Parade
August 8, 2016Official end of the Atchison County Fair and a Win!
August 12, 2016Thursday, August 4, was another busy day.
First, I was able to make it to Rotary to help install our newest Rotary member–Pastor Rachel Dannar (our Presbyterian Minister). She will be a great addition to our club!
Then Thursday evening I was able to make it to the Doniphan Co Farm Bureau Annual Meeting in Fanning, Ks. It was a very enjoyable evening presided over by President Matt Symns (shown in the first photo below handing out one of the many scholarships awarded). The 2nd photo shows all the Safety Poster Winners, and the final photo is me with Pam Meng (Women’s Rep for Farm Bureau). And yes I found another great piece of rhubarb pie!