Legislative Update
November 1, 2017Kansas City Star Article
November 15, 2017Happy Veteran’s Day!! I was humbled and honored to join Senator Jerry Moran to celebrate Veteran’s Day at USD 377 HS in Effingham yesterday, 11/10, to pay tribute to our great Atchison County Veteran’s. It was a great event organized by the students of the National Honor Society—pictured here with their sponsor Jenna Hawk-Porter. A special thank you to Principal Deanna Scherer for the opportunity.
Later, I went by Gran Villas to visit my patient Laverne Magers on her 100th Birthday (which is actually today). What a great landmark and a great lady! She was born 1 year before the first Armistice Day. WOW!
Senator Jerry Moran was in Atchison for a quick town hall today, 11/6, at the Atchison Chamber of Commerce at the Santa Fe Depot. He provided some good info about the proposed Federal tax legislation and DACA. We are so blest to have Senator Moran represent us in Washington. Monday Evening 11/6, I was able to attend The Doniphan County Extension Annual Meeting and congratulate Kathy Tharman on receiving her Most Distinguished Service Award as the Extension Director for Doniphan County! She also allowed me to give a brief ‘wrap-up’ presentation about this past session—Taxes, School Finance, etc.
Sunrise on the Missouri River September 13th, as we travel upstream in boats as a part of The Field Conference of The Kansas Geological Survey —Glacial Hills. Approximately 25 legislators and 15 staff were on this fieldtrip. What a great water asset in N E, KS.
Later that same day Kansas Legislators heard a good presentation from Ken and Brad McCauly (farmers) near White Cloud, KS, about the catastrophic consequences on constructing a storage reservoir/aqueduct in N E, KS.
And later that same day I met with officials of the Brown/Atchison REC and got a personal tour of their facility. A great facility and very dedicated folks to keep the ‘lights on’ in NE, KS.